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Career & College

Career & College Pathways in Jeffco

Career and college pathways are a series of educational opportunities that enable students to pursue careers, college and interests after high school. Career and college readiness is a Jeffco Public Schools graduation requirement and is increasingly important, as three out of every four jobs now require education or training beyond high school.

It’s important for students to talk with their families, teachers and school counselors throughout high school as career interests emerge and develop, and to explore different college and career pathways.

Search for Courses Offered at Jeffco High Schools

Career & College at Bear Creek

Each Bear Creek High School student is required to develop a plan for graduation and beyond. The Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) lessons are delivered in classes by counselors to explore careers and build postsecondary goals.

ICAP may include but is not limited to: 

  • Career exploration, including interest surveys.
  • Academic progress, including courses taken and assessment results (PSAT, SAT).
  • Financial literacy lessons.
  • Experiences in work-based learning.
  • Completion of applications, such as college admissions, scholarships and internships.
  • Postsecondary credit opportunities in high school, such as concurrent enrollment and dual enrollment.


Naviance is a web-based platform accessible to all Bear Creek students and parents for college and career planning. Naviance is where students’ Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) is built and routinely checked throughout high school. Students may access Naviance Student through Clever Tiles.

Some of the tools Naviance offers include:

  • Planning: goal setting, four-year planning, learning-style inventories, resumé-building and career and interest inventories
  • College research: compare entrance requirements like GPA and standardized test scores, and explore majors, student activities and athletic offerings
  • Scholarship search: both national and state levels or for specific colleges of choice

For questions about accessing Naviance, please contact Ms. McMinds in the counseling office. 


Using Naviance for College Applications

College Planning

The process of applying to college programs requires planning. Here are some helpful tips for students to start the college planning process freshman year:

Career and Technical Education

A Career and Technical Education pathway is a sequence of courses that provides students with the academic, technical and real-world knowledge, skills and experience they need to be prepared for a variety of career options.

CTE pathways for Bear Creek students include:

  • Career Explorer program for 12th-grade students. 
  • Concurrent enrollment courses offered at BCHS. 
  • Warren Tech programs.
  • ASCENT and TREP.
  • … and more!

Speak to your counselor about the different CTE courses Bear Creek offers.

Jeffco Career Links

The Jeffco Career Links program connects students from classroom to career.

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Bear Creek students can pursue a future in one of the branches of the U.S. military.

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Scholarships & Financial Aid

Find resources to help students find postsecondary tuition assistance.

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Trades & Certificates

Bear Creek can help students research a trade or certification program.

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