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Transitioning from Middle School

Starting high school is an exciting event in a student’s life and can also be a challenging time as well. By definition, transition means the change from one place, state of being, or condition to another place, state of being, or condition.

This transition means a whole new school building, new teachers, new classmates, and notably more challenging material along with enhanced postsecondary planning and graduation requirements. This transition affects adolescents’ academic experiences, motivation, self-perception, and self-regulation. This process also affects parents and teachers.

Effective transition programs help students move to a new school and become a part of the new school.   With the implementation of transition programs and the support of parents, teachers, administrators, and mental health professionals, this transition can positively impact students both socially and academically.

Transitioning from Middle School at Bear Creek

Bear Creek High School teachers and staff are so excited to meet all of our incoming ninth-graders!

The transition from middle school can be exciting and also nerve-wracking. We will have activities and support in place to make sure your transition to Bear Creek is as smooth as possible.

Building Your Class Schedule

For students who attend a BCHS feeder middle school (Bear Creek K-8 School or Carmody), your counselors will be coming into classes to help you register for the correct courses. Students who attend another school will be invited to a choice enrollment registration session (date to be determined).

First Day

The first day of high school for ninth-graders will be a full day before any of the other grades begin. This allows students to more easily find their classes and get to know their teachers, administrators, counselors and peers.

Informational Events

There are a number of events designed to provide more guidance and information to new families:

  • Eighth-Grade Parent Night – date to be determined
  • Back-to-School Night – date to be determined
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences – dates to be determined

For specific questions about your student’s schedule, feel free to contact their counselor for additional information. We are happy to help.