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Advanced Learning Plan

Advanced Learning Plans in Jeffco

The Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) is a legal document outlining programming for identified gifted students and guides educational planning and decision-making. An ALP is developed for every gifted student according to the student’s determined areas of giftedness, interests, and instructional and affective needs. The ALP is created after a student is formally identified as gifted. Learn about GT identification in Jeffco to begin this referral process for a student.

The student's ALP should map out what students hope to learn and accomplish in their area of strength. When students become independent learners and self-advocates they will:

  • Take control of their learning and improve their education.
  • Deepen understanding of their learning style and become strength-based learners.
  • Acquire learning skills that apply to learning situations in life.
  • Will develop a greater sense of their abilities.

Families and students in grades 6-12 may view ALPs in Student Insights. 

Advanced Learning Plan at Bear Creek

The Bear Creek High School Counseling Department offers guidance and support to every student, including learners identified as requiring an Advanced Learning Plan to meet their educational needs.

Contact BCHS Counseling to learn more.