Library & Research
The BCHS Library provides a comfortable, safe space for all students and staff to study, work, relax and refresh. The library is open from 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Students and staff have access to a variety of academic resources, as well as opportunities to read for pleasure. To that end, the library has over 10,000 books, 24-hour access to thousands of e-books and more than 60 databases via Jefferson County Public Library.
In addition to our academic resources, the library also offers games, puzzles and craft supplies. Just ask at the front desk!
- Cards
- Chess and checkers
- Backgammon
- Mancala
- Board games
- Coloring
- Art supplies
- Puzzles
- Legos
- Knitting
- Needle arts
- Uno
- … and more!
Contact Angela Wagner, digital teacher librarian, at
Are Libraries Still Relevant?
What does a Digital Teacher-Librarian do?
"Today's school librarian works with both students and teachers to facilitate access to information in a wide variety of formats, instruct students and teachers how to acquire, evaluate and use information and the technology needed in this process, and introduces children and young adults to literature and other resources to broaden their horizons. As a collaborator, change agent, and leader, the school librarian develops, promotes and implements a program that will help prepare students to be effective users of ideas and information, a lifelong skill."
"Learning about the Job", American Library Association, Sept. 27, 2006. (Accessed Aug. 10, 2020)
- Important Resources
- Books
- Co-Teaching and Collaboration
- Databases and E-Books
- Lamination
- Reservations
- Online Books
- Reader’s Advisory
- Random Book Lists