Postsecondary Opportunities
Postsecondary Options in Jeffco
Jeffco partners with postsecondary institutions to provide opportunities for education during high school. These postsecondary opportunity programs extend college credit opportunities to students so they can begin their college careers before setting foot on a college campus.
Explore Postsecondary Opportunity Courses
Why Postsecondary Opportunities?
Jeffco believes that every student should have access to the opportunity of experiencing college before they finish high school. Free or low-cost college credit can save a family thousands of dollars during a student's academic career.
Students can take challenging college courses in a familiar environment, reducing anxiety about the college experience.
Compare Jeffco Postsecondary Opportunities |
Jeffco Options for College Coursework and College Credit (English) |
Opciones de las Escuelas de Jeffco para cursos y crédito universitarios (Spanish) |
Các lựa chọn của Jeffco cho các Môn học Đại học & Tín chỉ Đại học (Vietnamese) |
Jeffco Postsecondary Opportunities Handbooks |
Postsecondary Opportunities Handbook (English) |
Oportunidades postsecundarias Manual para estudiantes, padres de familia y tutores legales (Spanish) |
Cơ hội sau Trung học Sổ tay Học sinh-Phụ huynh/Người giám hộ (Vietnamese) |
Considerations for Participation in Different Programs |
Concurrent Enrollment vs. Dual Enrollment vs. AP and IB (English) |
Matrícula simultánea vs. matrícula doble vs. AP y IB (Spanish) |
Ghi danh Đồng thời với Ghi danh Kép so với AP/IB (Vietnamese) |
Postsecondary Opportunities at Bear Creek
Bear Creek offers several ways for students to obtain college credit, giving them a headstart on their path to postsecondary success.