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Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment in Jeffco

Dual Enrollment allows high school students in Colorado to enroll in and earn college credits while still in high school. Dual Enrollment has a tuition cost that the student is responsible for paying. Concurrent Enrollment does not have a tuition cost for the student.

Dual Enrollment at Bear Creek

The Dual Enrollment program provides high school students the opportunity to earn college credit through University of Colorado Denver or University of Northern Colorado for high school courses they are currently taking at Bear Creek.

To be eligible, students must be scheduled into a dual enrollment course at Bear Creek High School. Students must complete all the admission and registration requirements of UCD or UNC, which includes the online college application.

Some courses may require students to meet prerequisites and test scores. Generally speaking, institutions that accept University of Colorado and UNC credits will accept those earned in CU Succeed or UNC courses. Students who know to which colleges or universities they will apply are encouraged to obtain transfer information from those institutions prior to enrolling in CU Succeed courses.

Policies pertaining to the transfer of credits and the specific ways in which they apply to degree requirements vary from institution to institution. Consequently, CU Denver and UNC cannot guarantee that their courses will in all cases be accepted by all institutions, or that the courses will satisfy degree requirements in all core areas or majors.

*In accordance with Colorado Statute 23-18-202 (5) (c) (I) (B) student name and state ID number will be shared with the institution of higher education.

For more information or questions, please contact Jenn Edgar, postsecondary opportunities coordinator at or 303-982-7842

CU Succeed Logo
MSU Logo
UNC Logo