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Color Guard/Winter Guard

Winter Guard

Congratulations to the 2022 BCHS Winter Guard!

2022 Regional Finalize, Denver, Scholastic A

The BCHS Color Guard has been recognized as one of the top in the state of Colorado and has a long history of success, competing at the state and national level. Auditions for this team are in May for the fall season and November for the winter season. To join this incredible team, please contact Ms. Ahmed.

​The color guard is a unique part of the marching band that utilizes dance and movement to bring music to life. Done through a competitive performance format, it provides a venue for young people to express music through art, dance and equipment skills. Students are able to reach for the highest levels of performance standards and work to achieve the extraordinary to tell their story through the music.

Contact Us

Tammy Ahmed, Music Director
Phone: 303-982-8741