Band Fundraising
Fundraising Overview
Everyone in the BCHS Instrumental Music program can participate in these fundraising activities.
General music program fundraising*
- TAG Day (November)
- Craft Fair (December)
- Mattress Fundraiser (April)
- Employer Match
- General donations
- Restaurant Nights
- Amazon Shopping List
*These funds benefit the entire program.
Student account fundraising**
- King Soopers Card (year-round)
- RaiseRight Program (year-round)
- Peaches & Pear Sale (July-August)
- Sweetwater Music (August)
- Butter Braids and holiday wreaths (mid-October)
**Benefits the student's accounts directly
Individual fundraising
Overall, earned for the benefit of the program, however, it rewards the individual for their work. Each student in the program is assigned a personal finance account. Individual accounts will begin to accumulate money as students and their families participate in various fundraising activities. Any fees left after graduation go back to the general music fund for the benefit of BCHSIMP.
Eligible expenditures from BCHSIMP Bylaw Section III
Expenditures eligible for payment from individual accounts are for those activities, or materials, in which participation is offered by the Bear Creek Instrumental Music Department. Examples of acceptable requests – required uniforms, props and equipment, approved group trips, or any entrance fees for competition. Examples of unacceptable requests – payment of school fines or individual expenses. (Transferring of accounts to unrelated accounts). All requests for disbursement of funds from a student’s account MUST be submitted in writing PRIOR to the expenditure and approved by the board at the subsequent meeting.
Have fundraising Ideas?
We are always looking for new and interesting fundraisers to add to our list. Our goal is to only pursue a limited number of fundraisers that yield large dollar amounts. Please send fundraising ideas to Sarah Robbins at
Important reminders
Please remember to follow these guidelines with all fundraising activities:
- Turn in all fundraising forms on time.
- Include student name.
- Reason notated in the memo section of any checks provided.
- Money and forms left only with Ms. Ahmed or Ms. Miller.
- May also pay online.
Please check your email for any additional important information and updates.
Student account money adds up quickly
It's definitely worth your time to sign up for each of these fundraising activities. Before you know it, you'll see money adding up within your student accounts.
- Money goes directly into the student's account (see Charms for more details).
- Money can be used for marching ban fees, tuxedos and concert dresses.
- All reimbursements must be pre-approved before expenditures.
Here's an example of how the money can add up for your student:
Fundraiser | Value | Dollar Amount Earned |
King Soopers |
$40 per quarter ($40 x4) |
$160 |
Peach and Pear Sales |
10 boxes |
$100 |
Sweetwater Music |
$20 per hour |
$70 |
Butter Braid sales |
Sell 20 braids |
$100 |
RaiseRight |
$20 per month |
$240 |
Student account total |
$680* |
*Amounts are based on average earnings we have seen for families who have actively participated in our fundraisers in previous years.
- Craft Fair
- Donate Money
- Donate Supplies
- Fall Fundraisers: Butter Braids and Holiday Wreaths
- King Soopers
- RaiseRight
- Restaurant Nights
- TAG Day
- Become a Sponsor
Craft Fair
Donate Money
Donate Supplies
Fall Fundraisers: Butter Braids and Holiday Wreaths
King Soopers
Restaurant Nights
Become a Sponsor
Booster Information
We cooperatively support, encourage and promote the objectives, purposes, and goals of the instrumental music program of Bear Creek High School. Our purpose is to increase awareness and involvement in instrumental music activity within the Bear Creek community. We are an all-volunteer parent-run group set up as a nonprofit and an arm to the music program at Bear Creek High School.
The BCHSIMP Booster Organization is a stand alone 501C3 non-profit. The organization is a separate legal entity not associated or affiliated with Bear Creek High School or the Jefferson County School district; neither the school or the district are responsible for the booster organization's actions and or liabilities.